You earn your body

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Insulin in Body Building

Insulin is a natural hormone that is secreted from the pancreas in response to high sugar levels. Its main use is to regular sugar levels in the body. The use of insulin in body building is a controversial subject as using it is constituted as steroid use and it is used to enhance a body building workout.

When blood sugar levels are high, insulin works to increase the storage of glucose which provides energy to the body. The benefit of insulin use in body building is to provide more energy which allows for longer and more intense workouts. While insulin does make for a conducive anabolic environment in the body, it can truly do more harm than good.

Diabetics are not able to produce their own insulin which is why they must either take synthetic insulin or control their insulin production through diet. If you are not a diabetic, taking insulin when you don’t need it will cause your pancreas to stop producing it naturally. What is the end result of that? You will essentially become a diabetic.

Unfortunately, in the body building world, insulin is readily available if you just ask for it. It is taken in the form of a shot once a day and is often used to “bulk up” before body building competitions by hardcore body builders.

The insulin will “force feed” the muscles with sugar. An increase in sugar will allow for longer workout time before you are exhausted, but it will also cause harm to your natural insulin producing abilities.

We do not in any way endorse the use of any artificial substances in your body building program. You should strive for a healthy body when you start working out.  Introducing substances like insulin into your body in amounts that your body can’t take will do more harm than good.

For a diabetic, insulin use is necessary. It saves their lives and allows them to live a normal lifestyle with their disease. When insulin is used in body building, serious complications can arise that can affect your ability to even continue in this sport that you probably love. You shouldn’t take chances with your health – no matter what your body building goals are.

Insulin use in body building can lead to some serious health problems including coma, elevated blood pressure, and an increase in your respiratory rate. When you use insulin as a body building supplement, you are seriously risking your health and well-being.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

BodyBuilding Routine

While there is no one specific way you should plan a body building routine, there are some better ways to go about a workout plan than others. An effective body building routine will blend with your schedule while allowing you sufficient time to sculpt your muscles by working out in the most efficient way possible.

Most experts agree that you need to schedule in rest days when considering how your body building routine will go. Beginners need to take into consideration their physical health before they begin so that they know what their body is capable of. This is so important because overall general health will dictate how often you can workout without risk of injury or fatigue that can lead to you quitting.

An effective body building routine will concentrate on working certain parts of the body just one day a week. You should also be sprinkling in a cardio workout here and there as well. You need to have rest days to allow your body to heal the damage that you have done to it, so be sure to take at least two days off.

Do your research when choosing to emulate the body building routine from someone else. Did they get good results from this routine? Do they have the kind of body you want to have? If so, then you should go ahead and try their workout. If not, just keep looking!

Be sure to have clearly defined goals when coming up with your body building routine.  Without goals, you are just lifting weights. If you want to lose weight and gain mass, that will dictate how you workout and what your routine will be. If you are just interested in toning your muscles, that, too, will help define how your body building routine will go.

To allow for continuing progress, your program must always be changing your workout load. That means adding weight when your muscles become stronger. There’s no one set formula for how much weight you should add at any specific time. You know your body and add sufficient weight that will push your muscles so that they can grow.

Different workout programs are geared towards different people. No one plan will work for everyone. You have to take into consideration your age, your gender, your physical health, and your capabilities. Tailor your body building routine to what you are able to do without causing significant injury to your body.

An effective body building routine is important in order for you to achieve your body building goals. When coming up with a routine, be sure that you are keeping those goals in mind and then devise a plan that works for you. Having a sound body building routine will let you realize your body building goals.

BodyBuilding for Girls

Body Building for Girls

The term “girl” is generally thought of to be a young female, but when we’re talking about bodybuilding for girls, we’re really referring to female body building for teen girls.  Body building isn’t a sport just reserved for the male sex.  Girls can get strong, fit, and toned just like boys although their approach needs to be different.

Girls need to set realistic body building goals when they are trying to figure out just what they want to accomplish with their weight training.  Some girls just want to lose weight.  Others would like to become toned and firm.  Still others are using body building as a way to excel at sports.  Set goals and keep those goals in mind during workout programs.  Don’t lose sight of those goals and use them as motivation to keep going.

Guys – especially teen guys – produce much more testosterone than girls do, so remember that, as a girl, you won’t be building muscle in the same ways as your male counterparts.  You can, however, tone your muscles and sculpt a beautiful body when you keep an eye on the end result you want to achieve.

When it comes to nutrition, girls who are starting a body building routine need to keep a few things in mind.  First of all, girls need different nutrients than boys.  They require much more iron due to blood loss during menstruation, and they also can benefit from more protein.  Protein provides muscle building material in the body, so it should be consumed both through diet as well as supplements.

When speaking of supplements, girls should shy away from testosterone replacement supplements.  These types of artificial substances can make a woman or girl look more like a man and can seriously impede health.  While they will make your muscles grow stronger and quicker, they should still be avoided for girls who are body building seriously.

Keep in mind that both girls and boys who are body building need to get lots of rest. This is very important for any young person, but when you are working your body, you really need to get a lot of rest. Muscles are grown when the body is in a sedentary state. While you sleep, your muscles will grow and you will be repairing any damage you’ve done while working out.

Get the advice of an adult before you undertake a body building program. It’s very possible for girls who want to use bodybuilding as a fitness program to make beautiful bodies that they can be proud of. Just be sure you do it safely and know what you are doing before you start. Then watch the results and enjoy what you’ve done!

BodyBuilding Equipment

Generally, people think of bodybuilding equipment as weight machines. While weight machines are some of the best ways to work specific muscle groups, there is still a lot of other bodybuilding equipment you can use to help tone and work your muscles to their fullest potential.

Of course, you will want to have some type of weights to help you with your body building goals. A stable weight bench and some barbells as well as dumbbells will help you workout at home. If you’re not able to get to a gym, having these types of weights at home will contribute to your workout program and help you build your muscles in an amazing way.

An exercise ball is a cheap way to work your ab muscles and make them strong. You simply roll over the ball and perform sit-ups while using the resistance that the ball can give you works your abs. Exercise balls can be purchased in many places including discount stores like Wal-Mart, and are relatively inexpensive when you consider what they can give you in the long run.

Bodybuilding equipment doesn’t have to be expensive. You can actually come across some great deals when you search out the types of machines that you want to enhance your workout. Check online and look in the classified ads of your local newspaper to find Nautilus machines as well as treadmills or stair step machines.

You should look for reliability in bodybuilding equipment before you buy. This is especially true if you are buying a machine with pulley systems. Look at the cords and see if they are strong and not frayed. If there is any sign of stress on the pulleys, don’t buy it.

If you are looking to buy some bodybuilding equipment from a large company, be sure that they are reliable and offer a guarantee. It’s convenient to have your own weight machine in your home, but if it doesn’t give you the workout that you need, you’re just throwing your money away. 

The equipment you use when you are undertaking a bodybuilding program can be very important. You will want to choose the type of equipment that will give you maximum results and contribute to your goals not take away from them. There are many places you can go to get this type of equipment, but know what you are looking for before you buy.

Bodybuilding equipment can greatly enhance your workout sessions and tone your body to new proportions. Use the equipment that will work the parts of your body that you want to concentrate on and then watch your muscles thrive!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Effective Bodybuilding Workout Program

A body building workout should be a well-rounded program that provides an adequate amount of resistance to all areas of the body and all muscle groups.  It should contain a variety of exercises including weight training and a cardiovascular rotation as well.  If you are wondering about different types of body building workouts, there is no one magic formula for everyone.

When you are trying to devise a good body building workout, you need to consider the current state of your health.  Your health can factor in your recoverability, susceptibility to injury, and your physical limitations.  If you are beginning a body building workout to get fit, you will probably have to start slow and work your way up.

Another factor in a body building workout is to consider what your personal goals are in this endeavor.  Do you want to increase body mass, lose weight, or just become stronger?  Whatever goal you have will dictate what type of workout will work best to succeed.

You must have a basic knowledge of human anatomy and what muscles are located where on your body.  When you know where your muscles are, you’ll be better equipped to work them to their maximum capacity.  You can concentrate on the specific muscle groups and use the weights to tone and sculpt those muscles.

An effective body building workout will be four days long to begin with.  A good idea is to workout on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with your rest day on Wednesday and the weekend.  Here is a good, basic body building workout that will focus on each part of the body, but not all at the same time:

* Day 1: Deltoids, Triceps
* Day 2: Back, Traps
* Day 3: OFF
* Day 4: Legs, Forearms
* Day 5: Chest, Biceps
* Day 6: OFF
* Day 7: OFF

Working out in this way will work each body group on one day only which will allow for maximum recovery time as well as maximum growth potential.  You need recovery time due to the intensity of a strong body building workout to allow your muscles to heal in between workout sessions.  This is very important in any body building program.

Keep a log of the exercises you are performing and note your progress regularly.  By doing this, you’ll know where you stand as far as your strength potential, and you can make changes as needed to realize your personal goal.

Body building workouts vary from person to person, but they all contain basic components that can help all body builders grow their muscles and tone their bodies.  When putting together your body building workout, keep your personal goals in mind and then go for it!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Bodybuilding: Best Tips For Your Nutritional Needs

A good diet is essential to an effective body building program.  You can workout with the intensity of a professional, but if your diet stinks, you won’t be doing yourself any good.  Consider the following general tips for your nutritional needs.

  • Drink skim milk or soy milk

  • Cut sugar from your diet.  Use artificial sweeteners instead.

  • No regular soda!  Diet is better for you anyway and doesn’t contain sugar

  • Pizza and hamburgers are a big no-no.  Not only are they high in bad fat content, they are highly caloric and can cause you to overeat

  • Eat lots of fish to increase your levels of Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Chicken breasts are good for you as well

  • Allow yourself one cheat day a week where you can indulge in something you’ve been craving.  Just don’t overdo it on your cheat days or you can undo all you’ve accomplished.

  • Limit the amount of fruit you eat.  While fruit is healthy, it can have a detrimental effect on your workout.

  • Protein and complex carbohydrates are very important

  • Instead of eating three large meals a day, eat six smaller ones

  • Don’t skip meals

  • Vegetables are always a good choice at mealtime

  • When eating out, choose foods wisely.

  • Avoid most fast food restaurants or opt for healthy choices – remember no burgers!

The body is very adaptable to change.  At first, you may have problems getting used to your new diet.  But once you get used to eating right, you’ll find yourself not even craving the foods you used to eat.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Hardcore BodyBuilding

Hardcore Body Building

The sport of body building, for many people, can be quite hardcore. By that, we mean it can be intense and all-consuming. But another way to look at hardcore bodybuilding is gaining mass and muscle tone in a natural way without the benefit of artificial hormones such as steroids.

Some people who are really into body building think of the sport as hardcore in and of itself. Building body mass and toning muscles involve hard work and dedication.  Hardcore body building is having a commitment to shaping the best body possible with hard work and sweat.

It’s easy for hardcore body builders to fall into the trap of obsession with the sport. They want to be the biggest and the best. The quickest way to achieve this is to take synthetic steroids or growth hormones. However, hardcore body building doesn’t have to involve these substances. You can still grow your body without them.

Body building is a whole body and mind experience that focuses on training specific muscle groups and growing those muscles to often extreme proportions. This is achieved through a proper diet, a safe workout plan, and a mentality that lends itself to hardcore growth.

There are natural supplements on the market for the hardcore body builder that are safe to take and will allow amazing growth of muscles with the right weight lifting regimen. You have to be dedicated, you have to stick with it, and above everything else, you need to know how to perform the exercises correctly.

Body building as a sport creates beautiful, well-sculpted bodies in the men and women who are willing to work hard for their physiques. When you undertake a weight lifting program, you will want to pay special attention to the way your muscles respond to the weights and feel the resistance that the weights provide.

The old adage “No pain, no gain” really applies in hardcore body building. You must push yourself and your body if you are interested in sculpting a well-toned body. However, you must also be aware of your limits and not push too hard as you can cause injury to your body.

The sport of body building can be quite hardcore if you want it to be. If you are interested in becoming a hardcore body builder, you must pay special attention to each muscle group on your body and work it until it is toned and defined. Hardcore body building is not only a sport, it’s molding a beautiful body.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Body Building Nutrition

Nutrition in bodybuilding is very important for anyone serious about the sport. Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life, but it is most important for a body builder to have effective workouts and grow muscles quickly and efficiently. What type of nutrition should you have to become successful in your body building quest?

You need to first have a diet that is high in protein. That means eating a lot of chicken, fish, and meat. Chicken and fish are best for you because of their low fat content.  Although fats are important in body building nutrition, you still must be careful that your fat consumption doesn’t contribute to health problems.

Another big part of healthy body building nutrition intake is to be sure that you consume lots of carbohydrates. Carbs are very important because they provide the primary energy source for our body from the foods we eat. You will need lots of energy to complete an intense workout which will build your muscles quicker and more efficiently.

Complex carbohydrates are the best carbs to take in. These can be found in foods such as whole grain rice, whole grain breads, and pasta. Be sure to take your carbohydrates with protein for maximum efficiency.

Fats are also very important in body building nutrition. Believe it or not, fats actually do good in our bodies providing insulation for body parts like the heart and lungs as well as making energy when the fats break down. Of course, you will want to consume the good fats as opposed to the bad ones so that you don’t gain weight through fat intake.

Saturated fats are the worst fats to take in. These are fats like animal lard and butter.  Saturated fats are those that stay solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are the “good fats”, but they also should be consumed in moderation. Olive oil and flaxseed oil are good unsaturated fats. They stay liquid when at room temperature.

A very important fat group that can help both your body and mind are Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to combat depression, fend off fatigue, and give you energy you need to workout.

You should also include a lot of fresh vegetables in your diet. Foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots give you many vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy body. Fruit should be consumed in moderation as they naturally contain a certain amount of sugar naturally. Too much sugar can hinder your progress.

In the sport of body building, nutrition is just as important as lifting weights and exercising. Getting good nutrition is essential for an effective body building routine. Eat what’s good for you and what your body needs without over-indulging too much. Then sit back and watch your body grow!